斯里兰卡努力获取大米交易数据,这影响到供应和分配。 Sri Lanka struggles with data on rice transactions, impacting supply and distribution.
斯里兰卡在跟踪大米销售和采购方面面临严重数据差距,阻碍了供应管理和市场分配。 Sri Lanka faces a critical data gap in tracking rice sales and purchases, hindering supply management and market distribution. 该国有关于稻田种植和稻米生产的可靠数据,但缺乏关于稻米交易的信息。 The country has robust data on paddy cultivation and rice production but lacks information on rice transactions. 这些数据对于确保持续供应甚至分配大米至关重要。 This data is essential for ensuring a steady supply and even distribution of rice. 人口普查和统计部需要改进大米销售数据的收集工作,以便更好地管理大米市场。 The Department of Census and Statistics needs to improve data collection on rice sales to better manage the rice market.