斯里兰卡面临新年菜大米短缺问题,因为贸易商拒绝政府价格控制。 Sri Lanka faces rice shortages for New Year dish as traders reject government price controls.
斯里兰卡面临严重缺乏传统新年菜(Kiribath)所需的特定水稻品种的问题。 Sri Lanka faces a severe shortage of specific rice varieties needed for the traditional New Year dish, Kiribath. 尽管政府取消了进口限制并旨在控制价格,但贸易商仍然拒绝以受管制的价格出售,导致短缺。 Despite the government lifting import restrictions and aiming to control prices, traders are refusing to sell at regulated prices, leading to shortages. 进口量已超过75 000吨,但贸易商要求减少进口税,目前为每公斤65卢比,以缓解危机。 Over 75,000 tonnes have been imported, but traders demand a reduction in import duties, currently at Rs.65 per kilo, to ease the crisis.