斯里兰卡基本粮食价格增长了三倍,由于机械和劳动力开支增加,导致大米和糖的成本上升。 Essential food prices tripled in Sri Lanka, causing rising rice and sugar costs due to increased machinery and labor expenses.
在斯里兰卡,基本粮食价格自2022年以来翻了三倍,大米和糖成本大幅上涨,原因是机械和劳动力开支上升。 In Sri Lanka, essential food prices have tripled since 2022, with significant increases in rice and sugar costs, attributed to rising machinery and labor expenses. 农业部的Chamila Chandrasiri博士着重介绍了为提高稻米和玉米产量和减少进口实现自给自足所作的努力。 Dr. Chamila Chandrasiri from the Department of Agriculture highlights efforts to enhance rice and maize production and reduce imports for self-sufficiency. 消费者事务局还正在监管关键商品价格,以便在面临这些挑战时稳定市场。 The Consumer Affairs Authority is also regulating prices of key commodities to stabilize the market amidst these challenges.