当选总统特朗普计划访问中国和印度,以改善关系和讨论关键问题。 President-elect Trump plans visits to China and India to improve relations and discuss key issues.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普打算在上任后访问中国和印度,以改善与两国的关系。 President-elect Donald Trump plans to visit China and India after taking office, aiming to improve relations with both countries. 尽管曾威胁对中国进口品征收关税, Trump 仍希望与中国主席习近平会面, 讨论贸易和芬太尼等问题。 Despite previous threats to impose tariffs on Chinese imports, Trump hopes to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss issues like trade and fentanyl. 早在4月,就有可能前往印度,两国间已经开始会谈。 A trip to India could happen as early as April, with talks already underway between the two nations.