印度总理莫迪计划早日访问美国,以加强与特朗普总统的联系。 Indian Prime Minister Modi plans early visit to U.S. to bolster ties with President Trump.
印度和美国政府正在协调印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪对美国的早期访问,以加强其战略伙伴关系。 The Indian and U.S. governments are coordinating an early visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the U.S. to strengthen their strategic partnership. 访问的具体日期仍在确定之中,将在晚些时候公布。 The specific dates for the visit are still being determined and will be announced later. 莫迪总理和特朗普总统最近在一次电话中讨论了这些计划,强调他们致力于推进双边关系和全球问题。 Prime Minister Modi and President Trump recently discussed the plans during a phone call, highlighting their commitment to advancing bilateral ties and global issues.