一名男子在都柏林Lucan的一场房屋火灾中死亡;当局警告不要传播错误信息。 A man died in a house fire in Lucan, Dublin; authorities warn against circulating misinformation.
一名来自东欧的40岁男子星期天清晨在都柏林Lucan的一场房屋火灾中丧生。 A 40-year-old man from Eastern Europe died in a house fire in Lucan, Dublin, early Sunday morning. 紧急服务在早上6点作出反应,并计划进行验尸。 Emergency services responded at 6am, and a post-mortem examination is scheduled. 当局正在进行调查,并警告公众,由于网上流传的错误信息,必须核实有关这一事件的信息。 Authorities are investigating and have warned the public to verify information about the incident due to misinformation circulating online. 随着现场被封锁以供调查,交通转移已经就位。 Traffic diversions are in place as the scene is sealed off for the investigation.