一名老人在 UL 校园房屋火灾中丧生;警方仍在调查中。 Elderly man dies in UL campus house fire; Garda investigation ongoing.
爱尔兰警察正在调查利默里克大学 (UL) 校园内发生的一起致命房屋火灾,一名老人在 Kilmurry Village 学生宿舍的大火中丧生,据信这名老人是一名学者。 Gardaí are investigating a fatal house fire at University of Limerick (UL) campus, where an elderly man, believed to be an academic, died in the blaze at a Kilmurry Village student accommodation site. 大火发生在午夜前不久,消防员花了五个小时才将大火扑灭,然后返回基地。 The fire broke out shortly before midnight, and firefighters spent five hours extinguishing the fire before returning to their bases. 该男子的尸体仍留在现场等待进一步调查。 The man's body remains at the scene pending further investigations.