爱尔兰梅奥郡巴利纳发生一起住宅火灾,造成一人死亡,一人受伤。 A man died and another was injured in a residential fire in Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland.
周四早上,爱尔兰梅奥郡巴利纳发生一起住宅火灾,造成一名男子死亡,另一人受伤。 A man died and another was injured in a residential fire in Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland on Thursday morning. 爱尔兰警察于上午 8:15 左右接到火灾报警并成功扑灭火灾,第二名男子被送往梅奥大学医院接受治疗。 Gardaí were alerted to the fire at around 8:15 am and extinguished it, with a second man being taken to University Hospital Mayo for treatment. 截至中午,死者尸体仍在现场。 The deceased's body was still at the scene at midday. 现场已被保留以进行技术检查,对事件的调查仍在进行中。 The scene has been preserved for a technical examination, and enquiries into the incident are ongoing.