消防员在Bury End农场扑灭了一场大规模的工业火灾,在该地区造成大量烟雾。 Firefighters extinguished a large industrial fire at Bury End Farm, causing significant smoke in the area.
消防员对周六清晨塞文(Severn)在厄普顿的Burry End农场发生的大型工业建筑火灾作出反应。 Firefighters responded to a large industrial building fire at Bury End Farm in Upton upon Severn early Saturday morning. 这起大火摧毁了一辆装有几辆汽车的60米长的车,于上午控制,但留下大量烟雾。 The blaze, which destroyed a 60 by 40 meter unit containing several vehicles, was controlled by morning but left a significant smoke plume. 当局建议附近的居民保持窗户和门因烟雾而关闭。 Authorities advised nearby residents to keep windows and doors closed due to the smoke. 使用了7个消防引擎,正在调查火灾原因。 Seven fire engines were used, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.