加拿大最高法院审议对魁北克禁止公共部门宗教标志的法律提出的质疑。 The Supreme Court of Canada considers challenging Quebec's law banning religious symbols in the public sector.
加拿大最高法院将很快决定是否听取对魁北克世俗法的质疑,该法禁止公共部门的雇员佩戴宗教标志。 The Supreme Court of Canada will decide soon whether to hear a challenge to Quebec's secularism law, which prohibits public sector employees from wearing religious symbols. 法律因带有歧视性而遭到批评。 The law has faced criticism for being discriminatory. 与此同时,加拿大部分地区正在向极地旋涡倾斜,导致暖化中心的开放,并由于大雪和寒冷的气温造成危险的旅行条件。 Meanwhile, parts of Canada are bracing for a polar vortex, leading to the opening of warming centers and causing dangerous travel conditions due to heavy snow and frigid temperatures.