安大略法院的裁决允许青年活动家在法庭上挑战该省的气候政策。 Ontario court decision allows young activists to challenge province's climate policies in court.
安大略省上诉法院最近的一项裁决可以使政府对其气候政策承担更大的责任。 A recent Ontario Court of Appeal ruling could make governments more accountable for their climate policies. 法院恢复了7名年轻的Ontarian人的诉讼,他们认为,该省气候目标的倒退侵犯了他们享有生命、健康和平等的宪法权利。 The court reinstated a lawsuit by seven young Ontarians who argue that the province's rollback of climate targets violates their constitutional rights to life, health, and equality. 这项决定强调各国政府有必要采取有效行动应对气候变化,为加拿大的气候诉讼开创先例。 This decision emphasizes the need for governments to take effective action against climate change, setting a precedent for climate litigation in Canada.