魁北克天主教主教反对禁止公开祈祷的提议,认为该禁令不公正地针对宗教少数群体。 Quebec's Catholic bishops oppose a proposed ban on public prayer, arguing it unfairly targets religious minorities.
魁北克天主教主教反对总理弗朗索瓦·勒高在公园和其他公共场所禁止公开祈祷的提议,认为该提议针对宗教少数群体,阻碍和平共处。 Quebec's Catholic bishops oppose Premier François Legault's proposal to ban public prayer in parks and other public spaces, arguing it targets minority religious groups and hinders peaceful coexistence. Lault提出禁令是为了解决穆斯林在蒙特利尔街头祈祷的争议。 Legault suggested the ban to address controversy over Muslims praying in Montreal streets. 以Martin Laliberté为首的主教们声称这项禁令是不可执行的,并指出其他宗教也为慈善目的进行公开祈祷。 The bishops, led by Martin Laliberté, claim the ban is unenforceable and note that public prayer is also practiced by other faiths for charitable purposes.