在伊朗支持的胡塞叛军发动导弹袭击后,在耶路撒冷和特拉维夫响响了Sirens。 Sirens sounded in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv after missile attacks by Houthi rebels backed by Iran.
1月18日, 在伊朗支持的胡塞叛军从也门发射炮弹后, 耶路撒冷和特拉维夫警笛响起。 On January 18, sirens sounded in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv after projectiles were launched from Yemen by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. 事件发生在卡塔尔宣布加沙冲突停火,停火定于次日开始。 This incident occurred as Qatar announced a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict, set to begin the following day. 自2021年10月以来,胡塞集团一直在增加对以色列的导弹袭击,其目的是就加沙局势向以色列施加压力。 The Houthi group has been increasing missile attacks on Israel since October 2021, aiming to pressure Israel regarding the Gaza situation.