也门胡塞叛军向以色列发射了一枚导弹,在进入以色列领空之前被拦截。 Yemeni Houthi rebels launched a missile at Israel, which was intercepted before entering Israeli airspace.
星期一,胡塞叛军从也门发射的一枚导弹在特拉维夫和以色列中部触发警报器。 On Monday, a missile launched from Yemen by the Houthi rebels triggered sirens in Tel Aviv and central Israel. 以色列军队在导弹进入以色列领空之前拦截了导弹,没有人员伤亡的报告。 The Israeli military intercepted the missile before it entered Israeli airspace, with no reported casualties. 这次袭击是伊朗支持的胡塞人的一系列导弹和无人驾驶飞机袭击的一部分,自加沙冲突开始以来,就一直在发生。 This attack is part of a series of missile and drone strikes by the Iran-backed Houthis, which have been occurring since the start of the Gaza conflict. 早些时候,一架从也门发射的无人机也在地中海上空被拦截。 Earlier, a drone launched from Yemen was also intercepted over the Mediterranean Sea.