Tulla这样的搜索和救援犬对于在洛杉矶的野火废墟中寻找受害者至关重要。 Search and rescue dogs like Tulla are vital in finding victims amid Los Angeles' wildfire ruins.
在洛杉矶毁灭性的野火发生后,像Tulla这样的搜救犬对寻找受害者至关重要。 In the wake of Los Angeles' devastating wildfires, search and rescue dogs like Tulla have been crucial in finding victims. 这些狗有很强的嗅觉 能够比人类队伍 更快地在废墟中找到人体残骸 5分钟内覆盖一栋建筑 With their powerful sense of smell, these dogs can locate human remains in ruins much faster than human teams, covering a building in just five minutes. 在寻找数千所被毁房屋中的15名据报失踪人员方面,这一效率至关重要。 This efficiency has been vital in the search for the 15 reported missing individuals among thousands of destroyed homes.