祖母和孙女在丛林徒步中迷路,被远北陆地搜索救援队救起。 Grandmother and granddaughter lost on bush walk rescued by Far North Land Search and Rescue.
祖母和孙女带着四只狗在丛林散步时迷路,深夜被成功救出。 Grandmother and granddaughter successfully rescued late at night after getting lost on a bush walk with their four dogs. 两人联系警方寻求帮助,被远北陆地搜救队成员发现并护送至安全地带。 The pair, who contacted the police for help, were found by a team of Far North Land Search and Rescue members and escorted to safety. 该事件凸显了为意外情况做好准备的重要性,以及训练有素、高效的搜救队伍的价值。 The incident highlights the importance of being prepared and ready for unexpected situations, and the value of well-trained, efficient search and rescue teams.