飓风海伦搜索队在尸体狗的帮助下,在灾区寻找受害者。 Hurricane Helene search teams, aided by cadaver dogs, locate victims in devastated areas.
搜索队在挖尸犬的帮助下,正在受飓风海伦影响的灾区搜寻,整个社区都被消灭。 Search teams, aided by cadaver dogs, are scouring devastated areas affected by Hurricane Helene, where entire communities have been obliterated. 工作重点是在遗留的残骸和破坏中寻找受害者。 The efforts focus on locating victims amid the debris and destruction left behind. 这一情况突出表明飓风对当地居民的严重影响,因为搜救人员面临艰难条件,同时要关闭家庭。 The situation highlights the severe impact of the hurricane on local populations, as search crews confront challenging conditions while aiming to provide closure to families.