丹佛警方现在使用机器人狗进行炸弹和SWAT行动,加强没有武器的安全。 Denver Police now use a robotic dog for bomb and SWAT operations, enhancing safety without arms.
丹佛警察局引进了一只四条腿的机器人狗,协助炸弹和特警部队的行动。 The Denver Police Department has introduced a four-legged robotic dog to assist with bomb and SWAT operations. 机器人可以打开门, 举起物体, 导航楼梯和碎片, 提高丹佛地区的安全性。 The robot can open doors, lift objects, and navigate stairs and debris, enhancing safety in the Denver area. 它将配备摄像头、灯光和双向通讯设备,检查并清除可疑物品和搜查建筑物。 Equipped with cameras, lights, and two-way communication, it will inspect and remove suspicious items and search buildings. 它没有武装,也将作为一种社区参与的工具。 Not armed, it will also serve as a community engagement tool.