Rochester消防员迅速扑灭了Emerson街一栋空置房屋的重大火灾,未报告有人受伤。 Rochester firefighters quickly extinguished a significant fire at a vacant house on Emerson Street with no reported injuries.
周六清晨6时左右,Rochester消防员对Emerson街一栋空置房屋发生严重火灾作出反应。 Rochester firefighters responded to a significant fire at a vacant house on Emerson Street early Saturday morning around 6 a.m. 二楼和阁楼出现浓烟和火焰,造成重大破坏。 Heavy smoke and flames emerged from the second floor and attic, causing substantial damage. 消防员在45分钟内扑灭火焰,没有报告有人受伤。 Firefighters extinguished the blaze within 45 minutes, with no reported injuries. Rochester消防局仍在调查火灾的原因。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation by the Rochester Fire Department.