Rochester倒塌房屋中250Pullman Ave的爆炸造成火灾,居民流离失所。 Explosion at 250 Pullman Ave. in Rochester collapses house, causes fire, displaces residents.
Rochester的250 Pullman大道发生爆炸,导致一栋房屋倒塌, An explosion at 250 Pullman Avenue in Rochester caused a house to collapse, leading to a fire that spread to two neighboring homes. 一名男子被烧伤而住院。 One man was hospitalized with burns. 爆炸切断了一条煤气线,消防人员随后切断了这条煤气线。 The explosion severed a gas line, which firefighters then cut off. 下午1时30分左右,罗切斯特消防局对现场作出了反应。 The Rochester Fire Department responded to the scene around 1:30 p.m. Pullman大道250和244号现在都无法居住。 Both 250 and 244 Pullman Avenue are now uninhabitable. 红十字会正帮助流离失所的居民,爆炸原因正在调查之中。 The Red Cross is helping displaced residents, and the cause of the explosion is under investigation.