Rochester公寓的火灾杀死了一只狗;原因正在调查中。 Fire in Rochester apartment kills one dog; cause under investigation.
周二下午,罗利街罗切斯特发生一起房屋火灾,导致一只狗吸入烟雾死亡。 A house fire in Rochester on Rowley Street on Tuesday afternoon resulted in the death of one dog from smoke inhalation. 消防员在15分钟内抵达并扑灭了火焰。 Firefighters arrived and extinguished the flames within 15 minutes. 火力被限制在一座三单元大楼的二楼公寓内,使另外两只宠物得以毫发无损地逃脱。 The fire was confined to the second-floor apartment of a three-unit building, allowing two other pets to escape unharmed. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.