后核德国从法国进口核能,面对能源短缺和批评。 Post-nuclear Germany imports nuclear power from France, facing energy shortages and criticism.
现在无核的德国正在从法国进口昂贵的核能,因为能源短缺和严寒的冬季条件减少了可再生能源的生产。 Germany, now nuclear-free, is importing costly nuclear power from France due to energy shortages and harsh winter conditions, which have reduced renewable energy production. 这种情况加剧了能源价格的上涨和对外国能源的依赖性。 This situation has heightened energy prices and increased dependency on foreign energy sources. 该政策遭到反对党AfD甚至Tesla CEO Elon Musk的抨击, 他们支持重振德国核能部门。 The policy is under fire from opposition party AfD and even Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who support reviving Germany's nuclear energy sector.