路易斯安那州的男人在被警察开枪打死之前杀死妻子、2岁的孩子、打伤两个女儿。 Man in Louisiana kills wife, 2-year-old child, wounds two daughters before being shot dead by police.
在路易斯安那州,一名男子杀害了他的妻子和2岁的孩子,打伤了另外两个女儿,然后被警察开枪打死,警察对13岁女孩打来的911电话作出了回应。 A man in Louisiana killed his wife and 2-year-old child, wounded his two other daughters, before being fatally shot by police who responded to a 911 call from the 13-year-old. 大女儿的脚踝受了轻伤,而9岁的女儿在接受紧急手术后处于危急状态。 The older daughter had a minor ankle wound, while the 9-year-old was in critical condition after emergency surgery. 悲剧事件的动机仍在调查之中。 The motive behind the tragic incident is still under investigation.