一名男子在休斯顿入室盗窃中被枪杀,家人安然无恙;嫌疑人仍然逍遥法外。 A man was fatally shot during a home invasion in Houston, leaving his family unharmed; suspects remain at large.
周日清晨,休斯敦的一名男子在卡斯尔克里克巷 (Castlecreek Lane) 发生入室盗窃事件,在家人面前被枪杀。 A man in Houston was fatally shot in front of his family during a home invasion on Castlecreek Lane early Sunday morning. 三名蒙面嫌疑人进入家中,命令所有人趴倒在地,并向36岁的父亲开枪。 The three masked suspects entered the home, ordered everyone to the ground, and shot the 36-year-old father. 受害者的妻子和孩子当时在场,但没有受伤。 The victim's wife and children were present but not physically harmed. 嫌疑人仍然逍遥法外,对公众没有已知的威胁。 The suspects remain at large, and there is no known threat to the public.