在路易斯安那州,警察追逐结束时,一名男子在墓地自杀,并杀害了一名1岁的女儿。 In Louisiana, a police chase ended with a man killing himself and his 1-year-old daughter in a cemetery.
路易斯安那州警方追逐事件不幸结束, 一名23岁男子自杀及1岁女儿。 A police chase in Louisiana ended tragically when a 23-year-old man killed himself and his 1-year-old daughter. 这次追逐是在出于安全考虑要求进行福利检查之后开始的。 The chase started after a welfare check was requested due to safety concerns. 母亲因伤害自己和孩子而遭到该男子的威胁。 The mother had received threats from the man about harming himself and the child. 这一事件在一个公墓中结束,该男子开枪打死自己和女儿。 The incident concluded in a cemetery where the man shot both himself and his daughter. 路易斯安那州警方正在领导调查,死者的姓名尚未公布。 Louisiana State Police are leading the investigation, and the names of the deceased have not been released.