孟加拉国前总理谢赫·哈西娜声称她在被推翻后几乎逃脱了暗杀企图. Former Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina claims she narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after being ousted.
前孟加拉总理谢赫·哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)声称,去年8月她被赶下台后,她和她妹妹几乎逃脱了一起暗杀未遂事件。 Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina claims she and her sister narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after she was ousted from power in August last year. 她在一段音频信息中说,他们活了20-25分钟,回顾了包括2004年手榴弹袭击在内的先前的企图。 In an audio message, she said they survived by 20-25 minutes, recalling previous attempts including a 2004 grenade attack. Hasina在学生领导的抗议中逃往印度, Hasina fled to India amidst student-led protests that led to her removal from power. 孟加拉国已要求引渡她,指控她侵犯人权并发出逮捕令。 Bangladesh has requested her extradition, accusing her of human rights abuses and issuing arrest warrants.