孟加拉国寻求国际刑警组织协助引渡前PM Hasina, 指控她镇压学生抗议活动。 Bangladesh seeks Interpol help to extradite ex-PM Hasina, accuses her of suppressing student protests.
孟加拉国临时政府计划请求国际刑警组织帮助引渡印度前总理谢赫·哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina), 指控她和她的政党在7月至8月的反歧视学生运动期间遭到暴力镇压。 Bangladesh's interim government plans to request Interpol's help to extradite former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from India, accusing her and her party of violent suppression during the July-August Anti-Discrimination Students Movement. 据报告,在动乱期间有753人死亡和数千人受伤。 Over 753 deaths and thousands injured were reported during the unrest. 政府将通过国际刑警组织发布红色通知,在引渡或类似法律行动之前找到并暂时拘留Hasina和其他逃犯。 The government will issue a Red Notice through Interpol to locate and temporarily detain Hasina and other fugitives pending extradition or similar legal actions. 这一行动是在国际罪行法庭对Hasina和其他45人发出据称危害人类罪的逮捕令之后采取的。 This move follows the issuance of arrest warrants by the International Crimes Tribunal against Hasina and 45 others for alleged crimes against humanity.