孟加拉国临时领导人寻求从印度引渡哈西娜,以追究抗议死亡事件的责任。 Bangladesh's interim leader seeks Hasina's extradition from India for accountability in protest deaths.
孟加拉国临时领导人穆罕默德·尤努斯 (Muhammad Yunus) 宣布计划寻求将前总理谢赫·哈西娜 (Sheikh Hasina) 从印度引渡,她在 8 月的大规模起义后逃离印度。 Bangladesh's interim leader, Muhammad Yunus, announced plans to seek the extradition of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from India, where she fled after a mass uprising in August. 尤努斯的目标是让哈西娜对数百人在学生领导的抗议活动中死亡负责,这些抗议活动结束了她 15 年的统治。 Yunus aims to hold Hasina accountable for the deaths of hundreds during student-led protests that ended her 15-year rule. 孟加拉国已请求国际刑警组织帮助发布红色通缉令以逮捕她。 Bangladesh has requested Interpol's help in issuing a red notice for her arrest. 政府还计划进行选举改革,然后宣布新的选举路线图,将权力移交给民选政府。 The government also plans electoral reforms before announcing a new election roadmap to transfer power to an elected government.