鹿特丹附近爆炸和枪击岩石;没有受伤,但疏散和逮捕。 Explosion and shooting rock Rotterdam neighborhood; no injuries, but evacuations and arrests made.
2025年1月18日, 鹿特丹Oud-Mathenesse居民区发生爆炸与枪击事件, An explosion and a shooting occurred in Rotterdam's Oud-Mathenesse neighborhood on January 18, 2025, causing significant damage to apartment buildings but no injuries. 居民被暂时疏散。 Residents were temporarily evacuated. 警方逮捕了与枪击有关的一名嫌疑人,但尚未确定与爆炸有联系。 Police arrested a suspect in connection with the shooting but have not established a link to the explosion. 该地区发生了多起暴力事件,引起了安全关切。 The area has seen multiple violent incidents, raising safety concerns. 警察仍在调查这两个事件。 Police are still investigating both events.