海牙的爆炸造成大楼坍塌,至少四人受伤,并困住数目不详的建筑物。 An explosion in The Hague caused a building collapse, injuring at least four and trapping unknown numbers.
海牙的Mariahoeve街区周六上午发生爆炸, 导致三层公寓楼部分倒塌, 至少有四人受伤, An explosion in The Hague's Mariahoeve neighborhood on Saturday morning caused a three-story apartment building to partially collapse, injuring at least four people who were rescued and taken to the hospital. 爆炸原因仍不得而知,可能被困的人数不明。 The cause of the explosion remains unknown, and the number of people potentially trapped is unclear. 应急服务机构,包括一个配有狗的专门城市搜索救援队,正在努力救援受害者并扑灭火灾。 Emergency services, including a specialized urban search and rescue team with dogs, are working to rescue victims and extinguish the fire. 首相和荷兰王室已对受害者表示震惊和同情。 The Prime Minister and Dutch royal family have expressed shock and sympathy for the victims.