对Scone之石的3D扫描显示"XXXV" 可能由1951年的石匠添加 A 3D scan of the Stone of Scone reveals "XXXV," potentially added by a stonemason in 1951.
英国加冕时使用的Scone石的A 3D扫描显示罗马数字“XXXV”。 A 3D scan of the Stone of Scone, used in British coronations, revealed the Roman numerals "XXXV." Sally Foster教授认为,这些可能是Stonmason Bertie Gray在现代添加的,他在1951年秘密修理了这块石头。 Professor Sally Foster suggests these may be a modern addition by stonemason Bertie Gray, who secretly repaired the stone in 1951. 福斯特认为格雷可能认为这块石头是第35个"碎片", Foster theorizes that Gray may have seen the stone as the 35th "fragment," following the creation of 34 numbered pieces. 文物的目的和含义尚不清楚. The purpose and meaning of the inscription remain unclear.