新墨西哥AG提出将欺凌和网络欺凌定为犯罪的法律, New Mexico's AG proposes laws to criminalize hazing and cyberbullying, facing criticism over potential overreach.
墨西哥新任总检察长Raúl Torrez正在推动立法,将欺凌和网络欺凌定为犯罪,并在即将举行的立法会议上提出对这些行为的惩罚。 New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez is pushing for legislation to criminalize hazing and cyberbullying, proposing penalties for these acts during the upcoming legislative session. 该法案旨在保护学生,更全面地界定欺凌和网络欺凌的定义,并对所涉人员提出刑事指控,包括强制性报告和学校教育要求。 The bills aim to protect students by defining hazing and cyberbullying more comprehensively and introducing criminal charges for those involved, including mandatory reporting and education requirements for schools. 批评者担心法律可能导致更多的年轻人面对刑事司法系统。 Critics worry the laws could lead to more young people facing the criminal justice system.