Nebraska官员提出法案保护网上儿童, 包括社交媒体年龄限制及禁止AI儿童色情。 Nebraska officials propose bills to protect kids online, including social media age limits and bans on AI child porn.
内布拉斯加州州长吉姆·皮伦(Jim Pillen)和总检察长麦克·希尔格斯(Mike Hilgers)与州参议员一起提出了几项法案,旨在保护儿童不受网上危险。 Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen and Attorney General Mike Hilgers, along with state senators, have introduced several bills aimed at protecting children from online dangers. 其中包括要求未成年人在开放社交媒体账户时必须征得父母同意,制定学校手机政策,以及将使用大赦国际制作儿童色情制品定为犯罪。 These include requiring parental consent for minors to open social media accounts, establishing school cellphone policies, and criminalizing the use of AI to generate child pornography. 这些措施旨在减少学校分心现象,并保障儿童免受与社交媒体使用有关的网上剥削和心理健康风险。 The measures aim to reduce distractions in schools and safeguard children from online exploitation and mental health risks linked to social media use.