澳大利亚审查12岁青少年自杀后学校的欺凌政策; Australia reviews school bullying policies after 12-year-old's suicide; considers social media ban for minors.
澳大利亚教育部长Jason Clare已开始对12岁学生Charlotte O'Brien自杀后发生的学校欺凌行为进行全国性审查,据称他遭到欺凌。 Australian Education Minister Jason Clare has initiated a nationwide review into school bullying following the suicide of a 12-year-old student, Charlotte O'Brien, who was allegedly bullied. 该研究由阿尔巴内斯政府资助,旨在制定预防欺凌行为的国家标准。 The study, funded by the Albanese government, aims to develop a national standard for bullying prevention. 此外,政府正在考虑禁止16岁以下者使用社交媒体,并有可能在2025年底前实施。 Additionally, the government is considering banning social media for those under 16, with potential implementation by the end of 2025.