北达科他州众议院通过法案,要求学校制定安全计划,以保障性侵犯幸存者的安全。 North Dakota House passes bill to safeguard sexual assault survivors by requiring schools to create safety plans.
北达科他州众议院一致通过了一项法案 保护学生性攻击幸存者 The North Dakota House has unanimously passed a bill to protect student sexual assault survivors. 它要求学校为被判定犯有不当行为的学生制定安全计划,其中可包括驱逐、转移学生或利用时间安排将受害者与肇事者分开。 It requires schools to develop safety plans for students found guilty of misconduct, which could include expulsion, transferring the student, or using scheduling to keep the victim and perpetrator apart. 该法案得到修正,以确保其合宪性,并为设施有限的学校提供灵活性。 The bill was amended to ensure its constitutionality and to provide flexibility for schools with limited facilities.