爱尔兰收紧了学校的爱尔兰语言豁免规则,限制了基于心理报告的豁免。 Ireland tightens Irish language exemption rules for schools, limiting psychological report-based waivers.
爱尔兰教育部正在取缔不在学校学习爱尔兰语的豁免,不再仅仅接受心理报告作为充分理由。 The Irish Department of Education is cracking down on exemptions from studying Irish in schools, no longer accepting psychological reports alone as sufficient grounds. 豁免率已上升到约12%,现在只有在所有科目上的重大和持续学习困难才准予豁免,并有实质性证据作为佐证。 Exemptions, which have risen to about 12%, are now only granted for significant and persistent learning difficulties across all subjects, backed by substantial evidence. 此举旨在确保采取更加一致的方法,同时满足学生的需要。 The move aims to ensure a more consistent approach while still accommodating students' needs. 爱尔兰时报正在征询公众对此事的意见。 The Irish Times is seeking public opinion on the matter.