爱尔兰语言普及率在年轻人中猛增,但教学方法被批评为过时。 Irish language popularity surges among youth, but teaching methods criticized as outdated.
最近的一项调查显示,爱尔兰语言在爱尔兰年轻人中越来越受欢迎,68%的六年级学生对此表示赞赏。 The Irish language has seen a surge in popularity among young Irish people, with 68% of sixth-year students showing appreciation for it, according to a recent survey. 这一上升归因于社交媒体、音乐和电影等文化趋势。 This rise is attributed to cultural trends like social media, music, and movies. 然而,81%的学生发现目前的教学方法已经过时,38%的学生对在现实生活中讲爱尔兰语缺乏信心。 However, 81% of students find current teaching methods outdated, and 38% lack confidence in speaking Irish in real-life situations. 调查表明,有必要对教学进行改革,以便更加注重对话技能。 The survey suggests a need for reform in teaching to focus more on conversational skills.