5 月 21 日:《加拿大政策前景》报告指出了 35 个可能影响加拿大和世界的全球性干扰因素。 21 May: Policy Horizons Canada report identifies 35 potential global disruptions impacting Canada and the world.
5月21日,加拿大政策视野组织的一份联邦政府报告指出了35种可能在不久的将来影响加拿大和世界的全球性混乱事件。 On May 21, a federal government report from Policy Horizons Canada identified 35 potential global disruptions that could impact Canada and the world in the near future. 这份名为《即将出现的混乱》的报告已在联邦政府网站上免费向公众开放。 The report, "Disruptions on the Horizon," is publicly available on the federal government website for free. 作者认为该报告条理清晰、通俗易懂,建议公民下载并查看,以了解即将面临的挑战。 The author found the report well-organized and easy to read, and recommends that citizens download and review it to stay informed about upcoming challenges.