卫生组织宣布黎巴嫩在冲突和供水问题上面临“非常高”的霍乱风险。 WHO declares "very high" cholera risk in Lebanon amid conflict and water access issues.
世界卫生组织(WHO)在以色列攻击真主党造成冲突升级和大规模流离失所的情况下证实一个案例后,宣布霍乱在黎巴嫩境内蔓延的危险“非常大”。 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a "very high" risk of cholera spreading in Lebanon following the confirmation of a case amid escalating conflict and widespread displacement caused by the Israeli offensive against Hezbollah. 数十万人无法获得清洁饮用水和卫生设施,从而加大了爆发的可能性。 Hundreds of thousands lack access to clean water and sanitation, heightening outbreak potential. 黎巴嫩卫生部正在调查源头,并启动了紧急措施,包括监测和疫苗接种工作。 The Lebanese health ministry is investigating the source and has activated emergency measures, including surveillance and vaccination efforts.