亚洲开发银行向图瓦卢赠款16.53亿美元,用于改善富纳富提的供水和环境卫生。 Asian Development Bank grants Tuvalu $16.53M to improve Funafuti's water and sanitation.
亚洲开发银行和图瓦卢签署了1 653万美元的赠款,用于加强图瓦卢首都富纳富提的供水和环境卫生。 The Asian Development Bank and Tuvalu have signed a $16.53 million grant to enhance water supply and sanitation in Funafuti, Tuvalu's capital. 该项目旨在通过建立新的水网络、提供淡化水和提高抗旱能力,解决供水和卫生不足的问题。 This project aims to address inadequate water supply and sanitation issues by building a new water network, providing desalinated water, and increasing resilience to droughts. 图瓦卢有一半以上的人口将从中受益,这是该国第一个静水供水网络。 Over half of Tuvalu’s population will benefit from this, the country's first reticulated water network.