支持马拉维MCP的妇女遭到骚扰和脱光衣服,促使人们呼吁警方采取行动和容忍。 Women supporting Malawi's MCP were harassed and undressed, prompting calls for police action and tolerance.
在布兰太尔身着马拉维大会党服装的妇女遭到骚扰和脱光衣服,她们的车辆遭到袭击。 Women wearing Malawi Congress Party (MCP) clothing in Blantyre were harassed and undressed, and their vehicles were attacked. 民主进步党谴责这一事件,呼吁警察迅速采取行动。 The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) condemned the incident, calling for swift police action. 民间社会团体已敦促政治领导人谴责暴力和促进宽容。 Civil society groups have urged political leaders to condemn violence and promote tolerance. 警察正在调查这些以及其他政治暴力事件。 The police are investigating these and other incidents of political violence.