拉合尔学生抗议性骚扰,以回应被驳回的病毒式强奸指控。 Lahore students protest against sexual harassment in response to a dismissed viral rape claim.
在巴基斯坦拉合尔,一起大学校园强奸案被警方斥为“假新闻”,在网上疯传,引发了一场重要的学生抗议运动,要求对性骚扰负责。 In Lahore, Pakistan, a viral claim of a college campus rape, dismissed as "fake news" by police, has sparked a significant protest movement among students demanding accountability for sexual harassment. 抗议活动反映出在父权制社会中,人们对妇女安全的担心更加广泛,在这种社会中,讨论虐待是禁忌。 The protests reflect broader fears about women's safety in a patriarchal society where discussing abuse is taboo. 作为回应,拉合尔高等法院设立了一个调查委员会,旁遮普邦政府则在动乱不断加剧的情况下,建立了一条只为妇女的警察应急线。 In response, the Lahore High Court has established a committee to investigate, while the Punjab government set up a women-only police emergency line amid rising unrest.