斯里兰卡国会议员在试图减少工厂的交通佣金后面临暴民暴力。 Sri Lankan MPs faced mob violence after trying to reduce a factory's transport commissions.
两名斯里兰卡执政党议员在Bingiriya与一家服装厂的管理层会面后面临暴民暴力。 Two ruling party MPs in Sri Lanka faced mob violence after a meeting with an apparel factory's management in Bingiriya. 民众对国会议员减少工厂外包运输服务佣金的努力心烦意乱, 投掷滥权, 并企图将国会议员从车辆上拖走。 The crowd, upset over the MPs' efforts to reduce commissions in the factory's outsourced transport services, hurled abuses and attempted to pull the MPs from their vehicles. 议员们对妨碍议会职责的暴民提出了警方申诉。 The MPs have filed a police complaint against the mob for obstructing their parliamentary duties.