全国范围内的技术故障, 短暂地阻碍在线及应用程序使用按揭账户。 Nationwide fixes a tech glitch that briefly hampered online and app access to mortgage accounts.
全国建设协会在1月15日面临临时技术故障, 影响一些客户在网上及透过应用程序查看其按揭账户的能力。 Nationwide Building Society faced a temporary technical glitch on January 15, affecting some customers' ability to view their mortgage accounts online and via the app. 该问题在接到报告后不久就得到解决。 The issue was resolved shortly after it was reported. 此外,全国范围的澄清是,根据反洗钱规则,它们只接受账户持有人本身的现金存款,除非已设立委托书。 Additionally, Nationwide clarified that due to anti-money laundering rules, they only accept cash deposits from account holders themselves, unless power of attorney has been set up.