消防员在火奴鲁鲁大火中丧生,5人受伤,起因是无人看管的烹饪。 Firefighter killed, five injured in Honolulu blaze caused by unattended cooking.
1月6日,火奴鲁鲁发生一起致命的火灾,起因是无人看管的烹饪,导致消防员Jeffrey Fiala死亡,另外五人受伤,其中包括四名消防员和一名居民。 A fatal fire in Honolulu on January 6, caused by unattended cooking, led to the death of firefighter Jeffrey Fiala and injuries to five others, including four firefighters and one resident. 火奴鲁鲁消防局和ATF调查了这一事件,事件发生在大楼后面的厨房里,造成屋顶部分坍塌。 The Honolulu Fire Department and ATF investigated the incident, which occurred in a kitchen at the back of the building and caused a partial roof collapse. 只有该居民仍在住院治疗。 Only the resident is still hospitalized.