平安夜,海伦娜的一间公寓发生了一场致命的大火,唯一的住户丧生。 A fatal fire broke out in a Helena apartment on Christmas Eve, killing the sole occupant.
平安夜早上,蒙大拿州海伦娜市利文斯顿大道 2009 号的一间公寓发生致命火灾。 On Christmas Eve morning, a fatal fire broke out in an apartment at 2009 Livingston Avenue in Helena, Montana. 消防员于上午 7:45 到达,在上午 8:00 之前扑灭了大火,发现唯一的乘客已死亡。 Arriving at 7:45 a.m., firefighters extinguished the blaze by 8:00 a.m., finding the sole occupant deceased. 从屋顶可以看到烟雾,起火原因正在调查中。 Smoke was visible from the roof, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. 受害者的身份尚未公布。 The identity of the victim has not yet been released.