城市、土著乐队和省合作解决Penticton附近的无家可归者营地问题。 City, indigenous band, and province collaborate to address homeless encampment near Penticton.
Penticton市和Penticton印度乐队正与省政府合作,解决97号公路和Fairview路附近无人居住者的宿营地问题。 The City of Penticton and the Penticton Indian Band are working with the provincial government to address an encampment of unhoused individuals near Highway 97 and Fairview Road. 这块土地以前是该乐队保留地的一部分,1950年代被移交给该省。 The land, previously part of the band's reserve, was transferred to the province in the 1950s. 该市正在与住房机构合作,建立一个冬季庇护所,而所有各方都寻求长期解决无家可归和土地管理问题的办法。 The city is collaborating with housing agencies to establish a winter shelter, while all parties seek long-term solutions to homelessness and land management.