在马萨诸塞州北安普顿, 无家可归的居民及支持者抗议该市计划驱逐Moose难民营, In Northampton, Massachusetts, homeless residents and supporters protested against the city's planned eviction of the Moose Camp, a safe space for recovering addicts.
在马萨诸塞州北安普敦,无家可归的居民和支持者抗议该市驱逐Moose营地营地,该营地为9名吸毒成瘾者提供了安全的康复空间。 In Northampton, Massachusetts, homeless residents and supporters protested against the city's eviction of the Moose Camp encampment, which provides a safe space for nine individuals in recovery from addiction. 尽管有计划进行清扫,但在公众的大力支持下,出于安全考虑,市政府官员并未强制驱逐。 Despite a planned sweep, city officials did not enforce eviction due to safety concerns amid significant public support. 抗议活动突显了经济适用住房问题,以及最高法院最近作出的影响到户外睡人权利的裁决。 The protest highlights issues of affordable housing and a recent Supreme Court ruling affecting the rights of those sleeping outdoors.