Penticton市议会 考虑一个提案 一个更高的,六层公寓建筑群。 Penticton city council to consider a proposal for a taller, six-storey apartment complex.
不列颠哥伦比亚Penticton市议会将于12月17日审议一项关于在686 Martin Street建房的新提案。 The city council in Penticton, British Columbia, will consider a new proposal on December 17th for a property at 686 Martin Street. 该计划涉及建造一个六层混合使用公寓综合体,比原先核准的四层结构有所增加。 The plan involves building a six-storey mixed-use apartment complex, an increase from the originally approved four-storey structure. 这一提议标志着与2023年4月颁发的发展许可证相比发生了重大变化。 This proposal marks a significant change from the development permit granted in April 2023.