中国批评美国压制中国公司, 引述TP-Link的国家安全调查。 China criticizes the U.S. for suppressing Chinese firms, citing TP-Link's national security investigation.
中国商务部发言人批评美国以国家安全为幌子压制中国公司。 China's Ministry of Commerce spokesperson criticized the U.S. for suppressing Chinese companies under the pretense of national security. 这一评论是回应美国对中国路由器制造商TP-Link为国家安全考虑而进行的调查。 This comment came in response to a U.S. investigation into TP-Link, a Chinese router manufacturer, over national security concerns. He Yongqian呼吁采取更客观、更理性的方法,敦促美国避免提出毫无根据的指控。 He Yongqian called for a more objective and rational approach, urging the U.S. to avoid making baseless accusations.